Our instructional DVD is now available!
Handbells are a visual art form, but what specifically can you do to add excitement and polish to your presentation? In Music in Motion, the Pikes Peak Ringers reveal their “secrets” for stunning visuals – simple movements and ideas that anyone can apply to make the music look as wonderful as it sounds. From the basics like malletting, picking up and putting down bells, and starting and stopping a piece, to more advanced techniques, like four-in-hand and weaving, the Pikes Peak Ringers take you through a process that will transform the look and communication of your choir.
Music in Motion contains:
• A full workshop on movement and presentation given by Kevin McChesney and the Pikes Peak Ringers, including 6 musical examples and step by step instruction.
• Audio commentary by the director and members of the Pikes Peak Ringers.
• 11 additional concert performances demonstrating these exciting techniques.
The learning is fun and fast-paced in this information-packed and entertaining DVD! Order now!